Parent Education
Planned Parenthood is excited to announce that our new parent education program, Talk F!rst / Hable Pr!mero.
Parents are the first and primary sexuality educators of their children. As a parent, you have a unique opportunity to talk with children early and often about sexuality before they get their information from other sources that may be inaccurate and lacking your own personal values and moral principles.
“I am embarrassed!”, “I don’t know what to say!”, “My child is too young!”, “Talking about sexuality will be like giving my child permission to have sex!” If these worries sound familiar, you are not alone. Since most of us weren’t taught about sexuality, many parents are uncomfortable talking about it.
- Teens consistently report that they would prefer to get information about sex from their parents rather than any other source.
- Texas teens have the highest birth rates and highest repeat birth rates in the US. One in four sexually active teens has a sexually transmitted infection.
- You don’t have to be an expert to talk with your child openly and honestly.
- Sexuality is more than just sexual activity. Children start receiving messages about sexuality at very young ages.
- The sooner that parents start talking to children about sexuality, the more likely children will be to ask questions and seek advice about sex later on in life.
- Understanding sexuality helps kids cope with their feelings and with peer pressure. It helps them take charge of their lives and have loving relationships, and helps protect them from sexual abuse.
- Young people who talk with their parents about sexuality are more likely to postpone having sex and make healthier decisions about sexual behavior.
Start talking. Keep talking. Learn how with Planned Parenthood.
The Talk F!rst program consists of 1- to 2-hour workshops to provide parents with the tools and resources needed to start the conversation today. Workshops can be hosted in homes, schools, churches, synagogues, PTA meetings, moms' night out, brown bag lunches at the office, or anywhere else that eight or more parents are gathered. Workshops are free and provided as a community service by Planned Parenthood of the Texas Capital Region with generous support from several foundations.
Contact: Kristin McDuffie at 512.485.0130 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 512.485.0130 end_of_the_skype_highlighting ext. 417 or e-mail
En EspaƱol: Janet Punch at 512.485.0130 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 512.485.0130 end_of_the_skype_highlighting ext.416 or e-mail
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