Sunday, May 8, 2011

RU 486 to be LIMITED?

Texas Bill Against RU 486 Drug Gets Abby Johnson’s Testimony
by Steven Ertelt | Austin, TX | | 4/26/11 11:15 AM
The former director of a Planned Parenthood abortion business who is now pro-life is in Austin, Texas at the state capital today to testify in favor of pro-life legislation that would limit the RU 486 abortion drug.
The mifepristone abortion pill has already killed more than 13 women worldwide, including several women in the United States, and has injured 1,100 women in the U.S. alone as of 2006 FDA figures. Johnson will testify today before the Texas Senate on behalf of legislation that would further regulate the dangerous drug and protect women’s health.
The measure, HB 3408 and SB 1780, was inspired by model legislation developed by Americans United for Life and sponsored by Rep. Jodie Laubenberg and Sen. Dan Patrick.
Charmaine Yoest, the AUL president, noted that abortion practitioners are increasingly expanding their market share of abortions through prescription drugs.
“Women and girls are vulnerable to dangerous drugs cavalierly distributed in ways that the drug manufacturers do not advise. This kind of off-label drug use can have deadly consequences,” she told
The bill before the Senate would regulate the dispensing of abortion inducing drugs and would require that they can only be dispensed in accordance with the FDA drug label. The bill would further require that a licensed physician must do a physical examination of the woman before prescribing the sometimes-deadly drugs.
Now a pro-life heroine, Abby Johnson will address the legislation both from her professional experience as a clinic operator in Bryan, Texas, and from her personal life story, having gone through an RU 486 abortion herself.
“It is a real privilege for us at AUL to partner with Abby Johnson and to have someone of her first-hand experience testify on behalf of this important legislation that will protect women and save lives in Texas,” said AUL Vice President for Government Affairs Dan McConchie. “Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers routinely dispense RU 486 off-label in a manner that expands their profits while undermining women’s health. It is important for the legislature to take action now to rein in these dangerous practices.”
Austin Pro-life OB-GYN Dr. Mikael Love will also be testifying regarding the medical standard of care and dangerous side effects of RU-486.
The bill has the support of Texas Alliance for Life, one of the statewide pro-life groups in Texas and the group says the measure would help stop “Planned Parenthood’s off-label use of this dangerous drug.”
Planned Parenthood previously told women using it to use the drug vaginally instead of orally, as recommended by the FDA. That causes the introduction of bacteria that resulted in lethal infections causing their deaths.
Although Planned Parenthood eventually changed its protocol to follow the FDA suggestion to take the drug orally, it still dispenses improper doses of the drug that could still place women at risk.
Rather than backing down from dispensing the abortion drug, Planned Parenthood is increasingly giving it to women, and a 2010survey of Planned Parenthood abortion centers finds a higher number are giving women the dangerous RU 486 abortion drug.
The number of locations dispensing the dangerous abortion drug has risen 130 percent since its last national survey, even though the overall number of Planned Parenthood centers is on the decline.
In January 2008, RU 486 maker Danco Laboratories announced approximately 13 percent of all abortions in the United States involve mifepristone — a number that may seem low but it is double the number of women who used the abortion drug in 2001.
The report also showed 57 percent of places that do abortions now have the abortion drug, compared with just 33 percent in 2001. Ultimately, Danco indicated that 840,000 women in the United States have had abortions with its dangerous drug – a number that is very likely over one million in the two and a half years that have passed.
According to FDA reports as of December 2006, there have now been eight known deaths associated with mifepristone in the U.S., nine life-threatening incidents, 116 blood transfusions, and 232 hospitalizations. In total, more than 1,100 women have had medical problems after using the drug as of that date. The Obama administration has not published new totals, which could have well over 1,500 women in the United States alone facing significant problems after using the mifepristone abortion drug.
ACTION: Contact your Texas legislators here and urge support for the legislation.

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